an abundance life awaits you


You must first know that you are greatly loved my God. You are the king's daughter who will never leave you or forsake you.

Living Intentionally

To live my life motivating and inspiring others to be all that God has called them to be, through my gift of exhortation,coaching and mentoring. To live life in obedience to the word of GOD and to not live a life in vain …

Never again will you feel not confident

Mission Statement

For every woman who has struggled with confidence,who wants to build higher self esteem, or has low self esteem my services are designed for you. I invite you to take part in my coaching session , classes, and workshops. I will provided you with a wealth of tools and resources that will be invaluable as you embark upon your new journey!

I will help you learn practical solutions that will be life changing, skills you will need to build your self-esteem, and motivate you to move from beyond your current challenges/situations. My coaching sessions will allow you the opportunity to analysis where you are, think about where you would like to be, and how you will get there. I will introduce you to the inner you who has been longing to break forward. I invite you to join my monthly group conference call and invite your girlfriends. I will be on this journey with you throughout your duration of becoming more confident.

Who is Coach Bridget

Bridget Burns is a sought after Christian Life Purpose and personal development Coach. Bridget was called into ministry over 20 years ago, to help women who are struggling with confidence and finding their purpose in life. Her mission in life is to help you achieve your God given purpose, and to grow you confidently into all that God has called you to be.

Founder and Executive Director of New Life Coach Inc., the number one volunteering life coaching organization in its field. As the Founder, Coach Bridget has coached and trained hundreds of women on healing of the mind, body and spirit. A longtime community activist , she  has fed over 20,000 homeless victims since 1999 and has provided clothing for the needy. Bridget sponsors an elementary school in the Ivory Coast, West Africa and sends English textbooks to the kids there yearly. She has hands on experience as a former domestic violence counselor, Certified HIV/AID education and prevention instructor, has mentored over 100 women in the Illinois State Prison System and specialize in spiritual motivational coaching.

In all of her human interactions, she has offered the best coaching which is geared toward making the person feel better about whom they are, and walking in God’s appointed destiny. Bridget has a God given talent of Exhortation that allows her to take her clients from feeling ordinary to amazing.